Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The American Civil War

The spring of 1861 brought a dark time for our young country. “The Civil War has been given many names: the War Between the States, the War Against Northern Aggression, the Second American Revolution, the Lost Cause, the War of the Rebellion, the Brothers’ War, the Late Unpleasantness.”(Burns). According to Ken Burns on, 2% of the population died in this four year long war. The war left a permanent mark on our country.

There are many aspects of the about the American Civil War besides the argument over slavery. On this blog you will learn about the Emancipation Proclamation, Reconstruction, the beliefs of the North and South, the true costs of the war, why the North won, the forgotten women and children involved in this home war and in the end, who killed the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

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